quick review of a comparison of Viagra, Cialis and Levitra
Though similar, ED medications have different effects and side effects. Sildenafil (Viagra) and Vardenafil (Levitra) have relatively rapid onsets compared to Tadalafil (Cialis).
Honest reviews for Viagra, Cialis and Levitra
Sildenafil (Viagra) and Vardenafil (Levitra) can be effective in as little as 1 hour, while Cialis might not take effect for 2 hours, though for some patients these medicines can work more rapidly.
Long Lasting
Viagra and Levitra will be out of the body in about 6 to 8 hours, while Cialis can work for 24 to 36 hours. Levitra works about as quickly as Viagra and lasts about as long. However, it can be taken with food, which is an excellent option with obvious real world usefulness. The effect of Viagra or Levitra may not be needed beyond 6 or 8 hours and any side effects they cause will fade rapidly as a medication leaves the bloodstream.

How might choices be made
Consider two men. One might be able to predict when sexual activity will occur. A drug that works rapidly and leaves his system quickly thereafter would be perfect, as with Sildenafil (Viagra).
If dining is part of the evening’s plan, Vardenafil (Levitra) may be a more practical choice, as it is unaffected by food and it too will be out of his system by morning. One restriction on the meal exists, however. It is not necessary to take Levitra on an empty stomach but it is best to avoid a very fatty meal when taking the pill.
Fat interferes with its absorption, but only after a meal that is so high in fat it constitutes more than 55% of the calories consumed.
Now, you may think that gives Levitra (vardanafil) a clear advantage over Viagra (sildenafil) for someone wanting to take a short acting tablet, but there is another important consideration. Levitra (Vardenafil) can cause an abnormality seen on EKG called QT prolongation or make long QT syndrome more pronounced. If that occurs, serious irregular heartbeats can follow.

Comparing the viagra, cialis and levitra
Comparing Viagra (Sildenafil) with Levitra (Vardenafil) with Cialis (Tadalafil) can be made by examining how they can be used, the time it takes for them to work, the length of time they continue to work, the restrictions on how they can be taken, the contraindications to their use, and the side effects each of them might cause.
Sildenafil (Viagra) can be effective in as little as 1 hour as can Vardenafil (Levitra), though for some patients these medicines can work more rapidly. In fact, some patients find that Viagra (sildenafil) and Levitra (vardenafil) can start to have an effect in 15 minutes. Nevertheless, each should be approached as reliably taking effect in 1 hour.
Viagra and Levitra both leave the body in about 6 to 8 hours. That means that while they are both very effective–approximately 75% of patients will achieve a satisfactory erection with either–they will work reliably only for 6-8 hours.
Nevertheless, the effect of a medication may not be needed beyond 6 or 8 hours, and any side effects (in addition to any positive effect) they cause will fade rapidly as the medication leaves the bloodstream. That means that someone who experiences nasal congestion or flushing when they use either Viagra (sildenafil) or Levitra (vardenafil) may find it an advantage to take the shorter acting medications, as opposed to Cialis–which last far longer (up to 36 hours). It might be worth a bit of nasal congestion during the time when sex will occur but there would be no reason to endure a stuffy nose once sexual intimacy had concluded.
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When can a person take these drug for better results
Let’s consider two men. One might be able to predict when sexual activity will occur. A drug that works rapidly and leaves his system quickly thereafter would be perfect. Either medication will do.
However, if dining is part of the evening’s plan, Vardenafil (Levitra) may be a more practical choice, as it is unaffected by food and it too will be out of his system by morning.
One restriction on the meal exists, however. It is not necessary to take Levitra on an empty stomach but it is best to avoid a very fatty meal when taking the pill. Fat interferes with its absorption, but only after a meal that is so high in fat it constitutes more than 55% of the calories consumed.
Now, you may think that gives Levitra (vardenafil) a clear advantage over Viagra (sildenafil), but there is another important consideration. Levitra (Vardenafil) can cause an abnormality seen on EKG called QT prolongation or make long QT syndrome more pronounced. If that occurs, serious irregular heartbeats can follow.
Therefore, when Levitra (Vardenafil) is prescribed, its potential effect on the QT interval should be considered. There are numerous medications and conditions that can complicate giving this medication to one person that may not be present in another. The list of medications that can cause QT prolongation is quite large. A man who might have chosen Levitra would not if he were also on a medication that could cause a heart problem if combined with the Levitra.
Let’s look at another man who might know sex will occur during the course of a weekend but cannot know exactly when that will occur. For him, a drug with a prolonged period of activity is far more important than how long it takes for a medicine to start working. For him, tadalafil (Cialis).
Also, Cialis can be taken in a low daily dose and for a solid subset of patients, this is preferred.
Cialis vs Viagra

Which one do men prefer?
In a European study [Eur Urol 2004;45:499-509], men were given either 20 mg of Cialis or 50 mg of Viagra for 12 weeks with opportunities to choose meds (or raise dosages) after the initial study period. “In the doses utilized in this study, 73% of patients preferred tadalafil with tadalafil dosing instructions for the treatment of their erectile dysfunction over sildenafil with sildenafil dosing instructions.” It should be noted the maximum dose of Cialis was compared not to 100 mg dose of Viagra (the maximum) but the 50 mg dose initially. Nevertheless, in most studies, about three quarters of patients prefer Cialis and one quarter prefer Viagra.